Rod’s Blog
After the Blog Podcast
Episode 10: The CfS Prompt

Episode 10: The CfS Prompt

Smiles everyone!

Sometimes I feel a bit like Mr. Roark from Fantasy Island where I build and deliver the wishes of the community. Welcome to my island. Smiles everyone!

This episode, here about a new endeavor to consolidate and curate all the great community content for Copilot for Security into a bi-weekly newsletter.

Rod’s Blog
After the Blog Podcast
Welcome everyone to the After the Blog podcast!
You're probably familiar with TV shows like the Curse of Oak Island or Deadliest Catch that have "digging deeper" or "after the catch" episodes that take the audience into the efforts behind each episode to give extra nuggets of clarity. This podcast is exactly that.
In each episode, hear about the ideas and circumstances that drove the topic. Most of the time I'll go it alone. But don't be surprised if a guest or two show up because they helped influence the topic.
Let's have fun and learn something!