Thanks, this will be helpful, but what would be awesome would be somethings that make it easier to determine if a new feature is something that is going to impact our managed service offering, by adding work or removing work, or if is something that we should really make sure that all of our customers get ASAP because it will decrease their risk.

Not all new features are the same. Thinking out loud - vulnerabilities have CVE numbers, I wonder if we could have some type of value ranking system for security system changes

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Ranking or risk system for new features. That sounds interesting.

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I've taken the idea above and made a Logic App automated version which updates the workbook every X amount of time (Depending on what you set your playbook recurrence to be)

Wrote up a quick version of how I achieved it here:


Thanks for the inspiration Rod

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Might be easier to just grab the Markdown version from the RAW GitHub and pass that into a field in a watchlist and forgo the need for PowerShell and local files if you do it in a logic app


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